I wanted to build a fully remotable LZ1AQ Active Antenna controller with off the shelf components. It is very cheap to buy ESP8266 MCUs and multi-channel relay boards online. Why reinvent the wheel? This project can be easily adapted to control remote antenna switches and other devices that can be controlled with relays.

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Wiring Diagram


Navigate to http://loopcontroller.local/

Auxiliary Relay

Aux relay

Relay 4 connects to pin D1 (GPIO 5)
You can enable the 4th relay by setting bool auxEnable = true;
You can invert the button color for normally closed by setting bool auxNC = true;
You can set the button label by changing const char *auxLabel = "Relay 4";

I have mine set to power off the loop remotely wired in the normally closed position.

For additional relays I suggest using a project like Tasmota.

Bill of Materials

Part NumberDescriptionQTY
NodeMCU V2Microcontroller with ESP82661
N/A4 Channel Relay Module (Active Low)1
RM2055MHammond Enclosure (50 mm x 140 mm x 190 mm)1
HC-6Adhesive PCB Supports8
BK/HTB-24M-RFuse Holder 5mm x 20mm1
5MF 300-RFuse 300 mA 5mm x 20mm10
N/ADC Connector of your choice1
N/APanel Mount Micro USB Extension1
PGSD-8Cable Grommet1
N/AHookup WireLots
N/ADupont Jumpers WiresLots

I used PC Motherboard standoffs and screws to rest the power inserter in the enclosure. It is not mounted permanently to allow easy removal of the front panel.

LZ1AQ Documentation

1 0 0 Loop A
0 1 0 Loop B
1 1 0 A + B
0 0 1 Vertical

Note: My code has pin 1 inverted so Loop A is in the Normally Closed position. This allows the loop to function in A mode with no power applied to the MCU or relay board.

LZ1AQ FAQ: Can the antenna switching be performed digitally?